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How do I return my package?

Returning your product is possible, and we ask that you please refer to our Return Policy for more information.

Do you ship Gluteboost outside of the US?

Yes! Gluteboost ships all over the world :) We provide international shipping directly from our website to almost any country in the world. You can purchase directly through or by calling us at +1 281-545-0101.

How long does it take for my package to be shipped and arrive to me?

We offer many different shipping speeds all of which you can select from during the checkout process. If you ever require any custom shipping requests please feel free to email us at [email protected] or text us at 281.545.0101.

How does my package look when it is shipped? Is your shipping discreet?

Yes! All orders are shipped in plain and discreet package for your privacy. You will receive your shipment  in a discreet USPS package. Your package’s return address will be for our shipment center in Florida, and the company name is “Supplement T

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